Freedom Workshop 

How to buy your Freedom

Freedom means different things to different people, but usually it comes down to the freedom over how you spend your time, what you do and who you do it with. Our focus here is to concentrate on how you can attain the feeling of true freedom.

If you are like the vast majority of other business owners,

you don't feel free.

In fact, you’re likely dealing with a variety of problems that keep you chained to your business and preoccupied around the clock.

Money Problems

Do you find yourself working harder and harder to make more money so that you can create a better future for yourself and your loved ones? And at the end of the month, quarter, or year, you'll notice that little or no progress has been made?

People Problems

Do you feel that your business and your employees are running you, rather than the other way around? Hard as you try to plan ahead, someone in your operation always seems to find a way to divert your attention and derail you from achieving your goals.

Time Problems

Is your schedule so occupied by the challenges of running your business that you have no time or energy left to give to your loved ones or to yourself? When was the last time you were able to enjoy your non-business interests, passions, and hobbies?

The fastest way to build the wealth you need to do "Whatever you want Whenever you want to "Is to focus on what drives the value of your biggest asset.


While you can't buy happiness, you can buy personal freedom.

we recently surveyed business owners and asked them to define someone who is wealthy.

someone with $10 million in investable assets


an individual with enough money to cover their lifestyle expenses.


An individual with the ability to do whatever they want whenever they want to.


Discover What drives the Value of your Business! 

When you think of value of your business, what do you consider?

If you include the size of your company as a key determinant of its value, you would not be alone. In fact, our society is obsessed with size and growth. We award the fastest growing companies and celebrate the businesses that employ the most people.  We assume that top line revenue growth is the main goal of any business and offer all sorts of solutions to companies looking to grow their top line. 

However, top line revenue growth on its own is not enough to boost the value of your company very much. What's more, it may be one of the least effective ways to get the freedom you desire. Rather than enabling freedom, growth usually comes at the expense of your freedom. 

The value of your business is driven by the 8 drivers we measure through the Value Builder Score.

The Value Builder System™ is a comprehensive and statistically proven methodology designed to help business owners improve the value of their privately held companies. After analyzing over 55,000 businesses, the average Value Builder Score is 49 out of a possible 100. If we look at the acquisition offers these businesses have received, the average offer is 1-3 times pretax profit (EBITDA). The Value Builder users who have improved their score to 80 or greater – by following the system – are receiving offers at greater multiples on average.
Financial Performance

Your history of producing revenue and profit & record-keeping.

Growth Potential

Your likelihood to grow your business in the future and at what rate.

Switzerland Structure

How dependent is your business on any one employee, client, or referral.

Valuation See-Saw

Whether your business is a cash suck or a cash spigot

Recurring Revenue

The proportion and quality of automatic, annuity-based revenue.

Monopoly Control

How well differentiated is your business is from the competitors.

Client Satisfaction

The likelihood that your clients will remain with you and also refer you.

Hub & Spoke

How would your business perform if you were unexpectedly absent. 

Three Reasons to Get Your Value Builder Score

Discover your businesses hidden assets.

Make your business more valuable than your industry peers.

Spot your businesses silent killers.

When it comes to working with our clients on growing, protecting, and realizing the value of your business, it's difficult to know where to start. With The Value Builder Engagement, you get a statistically proven, structured methodology for building the value of your business.

Register Today for The Freedom Workshop  

You started your business for the freedom that comes with running your own company.

The freedom to earn what you deserve, and to work for whoever you want, when you want, and from wherever you want.

The challenge is that for many business owners the dream remains elusive.

In fact, you may feel trapped in your business because:

  • You know more than anyone else in your company about your industry.
  • Your customers ask to deal with you personally.
  • You are involved in the building or creating of what you sell.
  • You are your company’s best salesperson.

The Freedom Workshop is an interactive, sleeves-rolled-up session, dedicated to getting you back on track to gaining the freedom you deserve as a business owner.

You’ll learn:

  • How to recognize when you’ve fallen into The Owner’s Trap and the steps to take to pull yourself out.
  • The three attributes of a scalable business model.
  • The eight factors that drive the value of your business.
  • The one kind of revenue that can triple the value of your business.
  • The six forms of sustainable recurring revenue.
  • The two essential elements of your marketing plan you need in order to avoid commoditization and costly price wars.
  • The one question you need to ask your customers to predict the likelihood that they will buy again in the future and refer you to others.



Register Now

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Register for the Next Workshop

Event Details

DATE: Tuesday 13th of August 

COST:  $495.00



The Boardroom

Level 4, 90 William Street

Melbourne Vic. 3000


The Freedom Workshop

what you get 

A Private & Exclusive, fully catered lunch and refreshments through-out the Workshop

A complimentary e-Book describing the 8 Key drivers of company value.

A detailed 28 Page Report on how your business ranks against the 8 key Drivers

A comprehensive Analysis of the current Estimate of Value of your business

A comprehensive overview of the Value Builder Engagement Program 

A Deep Dive analysis and workbook on a number of the key Value Drivers 

A Detailed Briefing from our Workshop Partners with specific offers and discounts

How are Value Builders Different from
Typical Business Owners?

Typical Owners 

  • Prioritize growing revenue
  • Use proximity as their competitive advantage( eg we are the local player)
  • Sell lots of things to a few customers
  • Find themselves caught in the owner's trap (the business is too dependent on them
  • Strive for satisfied customers
  • Use a transactional business model
  • Treat thier business like a piggy bank
  • Share equity too liberally
  •  Heavily reliant on one customer

Value Builders

  • Emphasize on growing value
  • Offer a product or service with a durable competitive advantage.
  • Sell few things to lots of people
  • Build a business that can thrive without them being there
  •  Strive for customers who will refer them and purchase again
  • Focus on creating reoccurring revenue streams.
  • Obsess over how their business creats cash
  • Protects their equity

Tools and Insightful content for business owners who would like to focus more on how to protect, grow and build value in their business.
