Get the Sale Price you Want & Need When it's Time to Exit 

Being sale ready doesn’t mean you want to sell. It simply means that you have taken the right steps to make your business attractive to prospective buyers. Accelerate growth and drive-up value so they can get a great offer when it’s time to exit, whether that's Now or 10 years

Our Proven Business Strategies Provide a Clear Path to Protect, Grow and Realise the Return on Your Largest Asset,

 Your Company

Accelerate Growth

Know exactly which moves to make and in which order with goals, KPIs and action steps so that you can stop thinking about what to do, and just do it.

Drive Value

Increase profitability and cash flow with an optimized financial strategy. Execute on a new plan aligned to your long-term goals and track progress like a pro.

Find Freedom

Put systems in to take you out of the daily grind. Increase capacity and efficiency with tight systems, workflows and standard operating procedures.

Customised Strategy

We analyse your business, determine your growth levers, KPIs and the key initiatives that accelerate growth and drive value, so you don’t have to do it alone.

If your business is not ready for sale when opportunities arise, you will miss out on significant potential benefits and a lower than ideal purchase price.

Recognizing the signs that it’s time to engage a skilled business advisor

The first step in getting your business “sale ready” is to use the various tools that can help you understand the current market value of your business and its strengths and weaknesses through the eyes of a buyer.

This kind of analysis will help you to identify the perfect buyer profile – that is, the buyer most likely to offer the highest sale price and attractive terms and conditions of sale.

Always be objective and conservative when deciding if your business is ready for sale, as many strengths of a business can be enhanced, and weaknesses mitigated, by working through our key drivers and risk mitigation analysis and creating an action plan for implementation. 

Collaborating with a trusted business adviser will also help. ROIC Business Group will be able to drill down on the eight drivers of company value, highlight the issues and provide you with a detailed report on the state of your business compared to the industry average.

Whether you want to sell your business, or run your business for decades...

At ROIC Business Group we always advise our clients to begin preparing for the sale of their businesses well in advance of when they want or need to put them on the market. The additional time will allow them to evaluate and fix any weaknesses their companies have, so they will be as attractive to prospective buyers as possible and will generate good offers. How long this preparation process will take varies from company to company. 

After analyzing tens of thousands of businesses, eight factors that drive the value of business have been discovered.

71% Higher Offer

Through an analysis of tens of thousands of businesses, we’ve discovered that companies that achieve a Value Builder Score of 90+ out of a possible 100 receive offers to buy their business that are 71% higher than what the average company receives. Your overall score reflects your performance on the eight key drivers, which are statistically proven to improve the value of your company.

 Use this exit checklist to get started.

  • Increase your Sale Price
    Maximizing the value of your business is an ongoing process that doesn’t happen overnight.  A structured approach focuses on the attributes that potential buyers can identify and quantify.
  • Gain more free time
    Improve efficiency by implementing procedures, delegating responsibility and automating processes can help with everything from payroll to inventory management and workflow, giving you more free time now.
  • Attract more qualified buyers
    Being sale ready doesn’t mean you want to sell. It simply means that you have taken the right steps to make your business attractive to prospective buyers. It’s never too early to be sale ready.
  • Improve the ongoing return. 
    It can reveal issues that many business owners don’t even realize that they have, causing them to miss out on capturing significantly more revenue.

Interested in finding out more?

Join 70,000 business owners and get your score on the 8 factors that drive your company's value.

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