Tools and Insightful content for business owners who would like to focus more on how to protect, grow and build value in their business.
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Are you ready to push your business to new heights? At ROIC Business Group, we specialize in helping ambitious entrepreneurs like you unlock growth opportunities through strategic business acquisitions. Our team of seasoned business acquisition brokers and consultants is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the acquisition process, ensuring a seamless and successful outcome.
To be successful, you have to plan each step carefully as it can have long-term impacts on both the target and acquiring company, which may or may not be favorable.
Develop a new market in a different area
Add additional products to your current offer
Obtain a ready-made customer base
Acquire intellectual property and equipment
Our experienced business acquisition brokers are supported by professional standards and continuous industry training
Our proven approach to successfully buying a business is based on understanding the client's needs and target modeling
Our business acquisition company’s marketing tools and research have been fine-tuned through decades of effectively acquiring businesses
We’re uncompromising in protecting your confidential information whilst providing the facts that a buyer needs
We invest in local SEM so buyers in your region can quickly find your business and deal with a local business broker
Our business broker can analyze the trends and conduct detailed research to determine appropriate target businesses
As a business owner, you have a fundamental choice to make: Do you want to build wealth or fame? More commonly, small business owners become famous for being a leader in their industry or local community. It provides opportunities to become famous, but there is another type of owner who would prefer to build wealth. We call this owner a “Value Builder,” and their main goal is to build a valuable company, even if it comes at the expense of their personal popularity. These Value Builders build solid companies that make a profit by addressing a need in the market. While most are not public figures, these Value Builders are building durable companies and substantial personal wealth in the process. There is no magic formula for creating a valuable company, but these Value Builders have left some breadcrumbs for the rest of us to follow.
What is the motivation behind your acquisition? It could be one of several reasons, such as efficiency, leverage or scale, but the likelihood is that if there are too many on the list, you're thinking about the acquisition has become muddled.
How much are you willing and able to spend to acquire a business? Which markets should it be operating in, what kind of client base should it possess, and what kind of synergies are you looking for? There’s room for some flexibility but be specific.
The one most suitable to you will depend on the size and geography of your business. However, it’s generally useful to include quite a few, allowing you to cast a wider net to find the right business that presents the most synergies.
This is your chance to look over the business at a high level to narrow down the field and create a short list of closely aligned businesses before making contact with the owners to acquire more detailed information on which to complete the analysis.
Introduction meetings give you a chance to meet the owner of the target business and their willingness to discuss a potential takeover, build a report and use these meetings to feel out the company’s culture, their employees and internal operations etc.
The selected businesses should be willing to provide enough information to perform a more detailed analysis to build a business case around the remaining targets and decide which one you will make an offer on subject to a period of due diligence.
Why not schedule 15-minute conversation to find out if we are the right partner to help achieve your goals.
Tools and Insightful content for business owners who would like to focus more on how to protect, grow and build value in their business.
ROIC is a proud member of